The Flux IP international attorney network
With over 18 years of experience in the patent profession, we have dealt with numerous attorney firms across the globe. Our experience places us in an excellent position to select the quality practices that make up our exclusive global network of attorney firms.
All firms have been selected on the basis of their broad technological capabilities, expertise in patent law, and their cost-competitiveness. Our foreign attorneys take special care of Flux IP clients given the volume of work that we refer.
Our network of professionals includes the following representative firms:
United States: Westman Champlin & Koehler
Europe: Forresters
Japan: Itoh International Patent Office
Canada: Ridout & Maybee LLP
Korea: Park Kim & Partners
China China Patent Agent (HK) Limited
After national phase entry, our foreign attorneys communicate directly us, forwarding copies of all documents along with any filing details immediately available. Official filing reciepts are forwarded to you upon issue by the respective national patent office.
We know you will be impressed with the service and cost-effectiveness of the Flux IP attorney network.